walking eResources for Health Empowering healthy lifestyle choices A reliable source of food, nutrition and general wellness knowledge to support users make healthy life-style choices to contribute to the prevention and control of NCDs in Uganda. About NCDs About Healthy Lifestyles eResources for Health Empowering healthy lifestyle choices A reliable source of food, nutrition and general wellness knowledge to support users make healthy life-style choices to contribute to the prevention and control of NCDs in Uganda. About NCDs About Healthy Lifestyles african-man-with-dreadlocks-laughing eResources for Health Empowering healthy lifestyle choices A reliable source of food, nutrition and general wellness knowledge to support users make healthy life-style choices to contribute to the prevention and control of NCDs in Uganda. About NCDs About Healthy Lifestyles eResources for Health Empowering healthy lifestyle choices A reliable source of food, nutrition and general wellness knowledge to support users make healthy life-style choices to contribute to the prevention and control of NCDs in Uganda. About NCDs About Healthy Lifestyles

What Can We Do About NCDs?

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs)

Healthy diet

You are what you eat: why nutrition matters.

Physical activity

Physical activity is the magic wand for health and wellness.

Managing stress

It is okay to not be okay: seek help to elevate your well-being.

Adequate sleep

"Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together"
- Thomas Dekker

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